Adtech Glossary - O

  • Offline Sales Measurement

    Offline sales measurement involves monitoring the correlation between online advertising and in-store sales by quantifying the increase in purchases among those exposed to a digital advertisement. Companies like Nielsen Catalina Solutions, Oracle, and Kantar Group gather data on offline purchases, including point-of-sale (POS), coupon usage, loyalty card data, and panel data. They utilize advanced database […]

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  • Omnichannel

    Omnichannel s a strategic approach that aims to provide consumers with a smooth and harmonized experience across multiple marketing and communication channels. The core objective of omnichannel marketing is to forge a cohesive and uniform brand message and customer journey, irrespective of the specific channel or platform through which a consumer engages with the brand. […]

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  • Online Advertising

    Online Advertising refers to the practice of promoting products, services, or brands on the Internet via various digital platforms and channels. It mainly consists of marketing messages and campaigns to aim at an audience through digital means including social media, websites/pages, browsers, and emails with mobile apps.

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  • Online Data Aggregator

    An online data aggregator is a company that forms partnerships with many publishers to acquire insights into users’ cookies. These aggregators systematically collect information from various online sources, encompassing websites, social media platforms, public records, and beyond. The amassed data covers multiple categories, including business details, consumer behavior, market trends, and demographic information.

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  • Open Auction

    An open auction, also known as open real-time bidding (RTB) auction, is a dynamic ad buying model in the adtech industry that enables advertisers to bid competitively in real-time for ad impressions, providing a platform for efficient and competitive ad placements. It is a transparent and competitive marketplace where advertisers bid on ad impressions displayed […]

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  • Open Exchange

    Open Exchange is a programmatic advertising marketplace where multiple publishers and advertisers combine to buy and sell digital ad inventory in an open and transparent environment. The platform facilitates real-time bidding (RTB) for display, video, and mobile ads. In an Open Exchange, publishers make their ad inventory available to various advertisers through supply-side platforms (SSPs). […]

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  • OpenRTB (Open Real-Time Bidding)

    OpenRTB is an open industry standard protocol developed by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) for real-time bidding (RTB) in programmatic advertising. It is a set of guidelines and specifications that define how advertising inventory is bought and sold in real-time auctions. OpenRTB enables communication between demand-side platforms (DSPs) and supply-side platforms (SSPs) by providing a […]

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  • Opt-In Consent

    Opt-in consent is procuring explicit authorization from individuals before gathering, handling, or leveraging their personal data for advertising or marketing motives. This approach mandates that individuals consciously and voluntarily offer informed consent for using their data with specific purposes in mind, such as receiving personalized ads or sharing their information with external advertisers. The acquisition […]

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  • Opt-In Tracking

    Opt-in tracking is a privacy-focused strategy that entails obtaining user consent before collecting and utilizing data for advertising and tracking objectives. This method requires users to explicitly grant permission (opt-in) before advertisers and third parties gather, process, and use their information for targeted ads, analytics, and various online tracking methods. In opt-in tracking, users have […]

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  • Organic Conversion

    Organic conversion is the process of transforming website visitors or users into customers, subscribers, or participants using natural, unpaid, and non-advertising methods. This entails prompting desired user actions without depending on paid ads or external promotions. Unlike paid conversions, where users click on ads before acting, organic conversions emerge from discovering and engaging with a […]

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  • OTT Advertising

    OTT advertising refers to advertising delivered through over-the-top (OTT) platforms. This ad type provides video content online without a traditional cable or satellite TV subscription. Instead, viewers can access OTT content on various devices, such as smartphones or tablets, smart TVs, and streaming media players. OTT platforms include popular services like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime […]

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  • OTT Platform

    An OTT (or over-the-top) platform is a digital service that provides users with video content, television shows, movies, and other media through the Internet, circumventing conventional broadcast or cable TV distribution approaches. Unlike traditional TV services, OTT platforms function independently on the existing internet framework, enabling users to reach content using smart TVs, computers, smartphones, […]

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  • OTT Streaming Service

    An OTT streaming service is a digital platform that directly delivers video and audio content to users through the Internet, bypassing the need for conventional cable or satellite TV distribution methods. These services enable users to enjoy diverse content, such as movies, TV shows, documentaries, sports events, and news broadcasts, across various devices like smart […]

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  • Out-Stream Advertising

    Out-stream advertising is a form of digital advertising in which video ads find placement within non-video content like articles, social media feeds, and various web pages. In contrast to conventional video ads within platforms like YouTube or streaming services, out-stream ads are independent units that initiate playback once they appear on the screen. This advertising […]

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  • Out-stream Video Ad

    An out-stream video ad refers to a form of video advertisement that operates independently of a video player, usually integrated within the content of a webpage or application. Unlike conventional in-stream video ads, which merge into a video stream (e.g., before, during, or after a video), out-stream video ads are crafted explicitly for display in […]

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  • Over-the-top (OTT)

    Over-the-top (OTT) refers to delivering video, audio, and other content directly to users via the Internet, bypassing traditional television or cable providers. In this model, online streaming enables users to access and enjoy content on various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, laptops, and desktop computers. OTT content encompasses various media, including movies, TV […]

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  • Overlay Ads

    Overlay ads are compact banner advertisements usually located at the lower portion of a user’s video screen. Users can engage with overlay ads, and clicking on them often redirects users to another landing page. Video overlay ads occupy the bottom 20% of a video and can be closed by the user.

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