Adtech Glossary - R

  • Reach

    Reach refers to the number of unique people or devices exposed to a particular advertisement or advertising campaign within a given time frame. It is a measure of the audience size that an advertiser can potentially reach with their message. Reach is an essential metric in advertising as it helps advertisers understand their campaigns’ potential […]

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  • Real Cost Per Mille (rCPM)

    Real Cost Per Mile (rCPM) is a metric used in digital advertising to calculate the cost efficiency of ad campaigns based on the number of impressions served. The term “mille” in rCPM refers to 1,000 impressions, and the metric calculates the cost incurred for every 1,000 impressions. To calculate rCPM, you divide the total cost […]

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  • Real-Time

    Real-time refers to the ability to process and respond to data and events instantly as they occur. Real-time in adtech pertains explicitly to the real-time bidding (RTB) ecosystem, where advertisers and publishers engage in automated buying and selling ad impressions in milliseconds.

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  • Real-Time Bidding (RTB)

    Real-time bidding (RTB) means a programmatic advertising process that enables trading ad impressions in real time through an auction-based system. It is a critical component of programmatic advertising. In traditional advertising, advertisers negotiate and purchase ad space in advance, often through direct deals with publishers. However, with RTB, the buying and selling of ad impressions […]

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  • Remarketing Ads

    Remarketing or retargeting ads are a form of online advertising that specifically targets individuals who have previously interacted with a website or brand. This strategy aims to re-engage potential customers who have shown interest but have not purchased or completed a desired action. Remarketing ads appear on various platforms and formats, such as banner ads, […]

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  • Remnant Inventory

    Remnant inventory refers to unsold or leftover ad space on digital platforms like websites and mobile apps. Advertisers can purchase this ad inventory once they have sold higher-priority placements through direct deals or programmatic guaranteed arrangements. While remnant inventory may not offer the same level of visibility and engagement as premium placements, it can still […]

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  • Reporting

    Reporting refers to the approach of collecting, analyzing, and presenting data and insights related to the performance of advertising campaigns. It involves tracking different metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate how well a campaign meets its goals and objectives. Reporting plays a crucial role in advertising by helping advertisers and marketers measure the […]

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  • Retail Ads

    Retail ads encompass marketing products or services within physical locations like stores and shopping malls. This form of promotion commonly employs marketing tactics such as promotional signage, the distribution of coupons, and hosting events like product demonstrations and giveaways to engage customers.

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  • Retail Media Advertising

    Retail media advertising is a marketing practice that promotes products to consumers throughout their customer journey, focusing on increasing purchase intent at key points near the point of sale and during decision-making moments. Advertisers who lack tangible products also use retail media, especially when connecting with retail audiences, which is advantageous despite its common association […]

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  • Retargeting

    Retargeting, or remarketing, is a marketing strategy that involves targeting and engaging individuals who have previously interacted with a website, mobile app, or brand. It aims to reconnect with these potential customers and encourage them to take a desired action, such as purchasing, completing a form, or subscribing to a service. Retargeting is effective because […]

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  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

    Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) is a marketing metric that estimates the effectiveness of an advertising campaign by evaluating the revenue generated with the amount spent on advertising. It helps advertisers assess the financial performance and efficiency of their ad campaigns. ROAS is figured by dividing the revenue generated from the campaign by the advertising […]

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  • Return on Investment (ROI)

    Return on investment refers to a financial metric that counts the profitability and efficiency of an investment relative to its cost. It quantifies the return or gain generated from an investment as a percentage or ratio of its initial price. The formula to calculate ROI is as follows: ROI = (Net Profit / Investment Cost) […]

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  • Revenue Share Model

    The revenue share model means an agreement between two parties to distribute revenue according to a predetermined method. This distribution can be in the form of a set amount, a percentage of sales, or a commission, among other possibilities.

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  • Revenue Sharing

    Revenue sharing refers to a business model where multiple parties, such as publishers, advertisers, and ad platforms, share a portion of the revenue generated from advertising campaigns. This model sees common use in the online advertising industry and aims to incentivize collaboration and revenue distribution among various stakeholders.

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  • Rich Media

    Rich media represents a form of online advertising that employs text, music, video, and animations to captivate users’ attention. This type of advertising offers a more engaging experience than traditional banners and static internet advertisements. The advertisement’s content draws users in, fostering interest in the promoted service. This increased engagement often translates into extended time […]

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  • ROAS Optimization

    ROAS optimization is a method that entails refining different elements of advertising strategies to guarantee the utmost return on investment. This encompasses fine-tuning ad creatives, honing in on the appropriate target audience, adjusting bidding strategies, and employing data analysis to pinpoint the most effective channels and campaigns. ROAS optimization aims to amplify the revenue derived […]

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  • ROI Tracking

    ROI tracking is a technique employed to gauge the efficacy of an advertising campaign by measuring the return on investment. It involves assessing the success of a campaign by comparing the expenditure on advertising with the revenue generated as a direct outcome of that advertising. In pay-per-click advertising, ROI tracking is accomplished through data and […]

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  • ROMI

    ROMI stands for Return on Marketing Investment. It is a metric used to measure the effectiveness and profitability of marketing campaigns and initiatives. ROMI helps businesses assess the financial return generated from their marketing efforts, precisely the amount of money invested in those activities. Businesses commonly calculate ROMI by comparing the revenue generated from a […]

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