Adtech Glossary - S

  • Second-Party Data

    Second-party data is obtained directly from another organization or entity rather than through third-party providers. It involves a direct data-sharing agreement between two parties. This data differs from first-party data in that a company acquires it from a trusted partner or collaborator rather than collecting it directly from its customers or website visitors. Second-party data […]

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  • Second-Price Auction

    A second-price auction is an auction-type model in programmatic advertising. Despite the possible illogic, the second-price auction is the most common way of bidding because it is the most efficient and is based on the mathematical model of the Vickrey auction. In a second-price auction, multiple advertisers compete to win the opportunity to display their […]

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  • Self-Serve Advertising

    Self-serve advertising refers to a model where advertisers have direct control and management over their advertising campaigns without the need for intermediaries or extensive manual assistance. It enables advertisers to create, launch, monitor, and optimize their digital advertising campaigns through self-service platforms provided by ad networks, ad exchanges, or social media platforms. In self-serve advertising, […]

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  • Seller ID

    A seller ID is a distinctive code allocated to a particular seller or publisher within the digital advertising ecosystem. This code aids in differentiating and monitoring individual sellers or publishers involved in advertising transactions, particularly in the realm of programmatic advertising. The significance of Seller IDs is paramount for the streamlined operation of the adtech […]

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  • Seller Rating

    A seller rating is a mechanism e-commerce platforms employ to evaluate and rank sellers according to their historical performance. The primary objective of seller ratings is to offer buyers insights into which sellers are more likely to deliver a positive customer experience and to incentivize sellers to enhance their performance. These ratings typically consist of […]

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  • Seller-Side Platform

    A Seller-Side Platform (SSP) is a tech platform employed by publishers to efficiently manage and enhance the sale of their digital ad inventory to advertisers. As a bridge between publishers and demand sources, the SSP streamlines the ad monetization process. This platform is pivotal in programmatic advertising, empowering publishers to effectively capitalize on their digital […]

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  • Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI)

    Server-side ad insertion (SSAI), also called dynamic ad insertion, facilitates the smooth integration of video ads into content streamed on internet-enabled devices. When users stream video or OTT content on internet-enabled devices through content delivery networks, the SSAI server comes into play during ad breaks. It requests ads from third-party ad servers and seamlessly incorporates […]

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  • Session

    A session refers to a period of user activity on a website or application. It represents the duration a user interacts with a website or app, typically from when they arrive until they leave or remain inactive for a specific period. When users first access a website or open an app, they initiate a session, […]

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  • SKAd Network

    SKAdNetwork, or “StoreKit Ad Network,” is an advertising attribution framework introduced by Apple for iOS devices. The company designed SKAdNetwork to address privacy concerns and offer a more private and secure method for measuring the effectiveness of mobile advertising campaigns, especially in the context of app installs and user engagement, all while safeguarding user privacy.

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  • Smart Bidding

    Smart bidding is an automated approach leveraging machine learning algorithms to establish bid values for advertising campaigns autonomously. The primary objective of employing smart bidding strategies is to enhance the likelihood of achieving increased conversions, such as sales or leads while adhering to the specified target return on investment (ROI).

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  • Social Ads

    Social ads refer to paid advertising campaigns businesses design for display on social media platforms. Social media platforms like TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and others offer companies and advertisers the opportunity to create and promote content to reach their target audiences. Social ads can come in various formats, including images, videos, carousel ads, stories, […]

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  • Social Media Advertising

    Social media advertising means the practice of using social media platforms to boost products, services, brands, or content to a targeted audience. It involves creating and running paid advertising campaigns on social media networks to get potential customers and engage with existing ones.

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  • Software As A Service (SaaS)

    Software as a service means a cloud computing model that delivers software over the internet through a subscription-based approach. In contrast to conventional installations on local devices, SaaS allows users to access and utilize the software using a web browser. The hosting maintenance of servers, databases, and code is handled by the SaaS provider, freeing […]

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  • Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT)

    Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT) denotes a form of fraudulent or unauthorized activity within the digital advertising sector. SIVT encompasses intricate and advanced strategies wrongdoers utilize to produce counterfeit ad impressions, clicks, or engagement measurements, all in a bid to mislead advertisers, ad networks, and publishers. In contrast to more straightforward variations of fraudulent traffic, SIVT […]

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  • SPO

    SPO stands for Supply-Path Optimization. It is a practice that focuses on optimizing the supply side of programmatic advertising transactions. It includes evaluating and determining the most effective and efficient paths through which ad inventory is bought and sold in the programmatic ecosystem.

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  • Sponsored Ads

    Sponsored ads, also known as sponsored content or native advertising, refer to a form of advertising created to seamlessly blend in with the surrounding content to provide a less intrusive and more engaging user experience. Digital marketing and adtech commonly utilize this type of advertising. Online platforms like websites, social media platforms, or search engines […]

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  • Sponsored Listing Ad

    A sponsored listing ad, often known as a “promoted listing ad,” is a form of advertisement predominantly employed in eCommerce. These ads promote vendors’ products through various channels, such as search results, blogs, emails, in-app notifications, and other platforms owned and managed by e-retailers. Numerous websites adopt sponsored listings, encompassing eCommerce multi-brand retailers, online marketplaces, […]

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  • Sticky Ads

    Sticky ads are advertisements that remain affixed to the user’s screen, persisting even as they scroll through the page. This type of ad can enhance viewability optimization without adversely affecting the overall user experience.

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  • Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD)

    SVOD (Subscription Video on Demand) is a platform that operates by charging users a monthly or annual subscription fee. These fees often include a variety of bundled offerings or access provided in different tiers. For instance, Netflix is an exemplary SVOD service that offers three distinct subscription options, each with unique features. These options encompass […]

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  • Supply Path Optimization (SPO)

    Supply Path Optimization (SPO) is a practice that helps to enhance the efficiency and transparency of the supply chain between advertisers and publishers. It involves evaluating and optimizing the routes through which ad inventory is purchased and delivered, aiming to improve performance and reduce costs. The supply chain can involve multiple intermediaries in programmatic advertising, […]

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  • Supply Source

    A supply source denotes a publisher who possesses and can furnish the digital space, often in the form of a website, app, or other media, required for serving and displaying ads to visitors. Essentially, publishers act as the providers of digital ad space, commonly known as “ad inventory,” in the online realm. Supply sources may […]

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  • Supply-Side Platform (SSP)

    A Supply-Side Platform (SSP) is a technology platform publishers and content creators use to manage and monetize their digital advertising inventory using a single interface. SSPs serve as intermediaries between publishers and advertisers, facilitating the sale and distribution of ad space on publishers’ websites or mobile apps. Using an SSP, publishers can efficiently connect their […]

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