Adtech Glossary - L

  • ​​Landing Page

    A landing page means a dedicated web page that is the starting point for visitors who click on a link or advertisement. Its primary purpose is to focus on a single goal, like enticing visitors to sign up for a newsletter, download a free resource, make a purchase, or fill out a form. When businesses […]

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  • Largest Contentful Paint

    The largest contentful paint is a user-centric performance metric that calculates the loading speed of a web page. It is an essential aspect of Core Web Vitals, a set of metrics introduced by Google to evaluate and improve the user experience of websites. LCP focuses explicitly on the perceived load time of the most significant […]

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  • Lazy Loading

    Lazy loading is an optimization technique that aims to enhance webpage performance and user experience by delaying the loading of advertisements until they are necessary or visible within the user’s viewport. In this approach, the page does not load ad units immediately. Instead, only the ads currently visible or close to being visible on the […]

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  • Lead Generation

    Lead generation involves recognizing and acquiring potential customers’ interest or inquiries regarding a business’s products or services. It constitutes a pivotal component of the sales and marketing workflow, enabling companies to draw in and transform prospective leads into paying customers. Lead generation strategies span numerous channels, such as social media, email marketing, content marketing, search […]

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  • Leaderboard Ads

    A leaderboard ad is a type of display advertisement with dimensions typically measuring 728 pixels in width and 90 pixels in height. These ads are usually positioned at the top of a web page in a prominent location, ensuring they are immediately visible to users upon page load.

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  • Linear Ad

    A linear ad is a type of advertising that has a step-by-step chronological structure in its advertising approach. It usually narrates a story or straightforwardly imparts a message, unfolding from start to finish. This style is prevalent in conventional media, such as television and radio commercials, where the storyline progresses clearly. A media piece may […]

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  • Linear TV

    Linear TV is a traditional mode of television broadcasting where content is scheduled and delivered in sequential, predetermined order. It is commonly associated with broadcasting television programs on channels planned at specific times. In linear TV, viewers tune in to a specific channel at a certain time to watch the program or content aired. The […]

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  • Location Targeting

    Location targeting means a form of digital marketing that enables businesses to aim ads at users depending on their physical location. Advertisers can use GPS coordinates or IP addresses to determine a user’s whereabouts. Businesses find location targeting valuable to boost sales and ROI by honing in on particular customers in specific areas.

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  • Lookalike Audience

    A lookalike audience means a group of people who exhibit similar characteristics, interests, and behaviors as an existing target audience or customer base. Ad platforms and advertising networks create this audience using data analysis or other algorithms. The primary purpose of creating a lookalike audience is to expand the reach of advertising campaigns to a […]

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  • Lookalike Modeling

    Lookalike modeling is a digital marketing method that identifies audiences that closely resemble the brand or advertiser’s most valuable and profitable customers in appearance and behavior. For instance, if an online store’s ideal audience comprises individuals with an average purchase exceeding $50, frequent buyers of cosmetics and perfumes, making at least two monthly purchases, lookalike […]

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  • Lookback Window

    The lookback window is the duration between a conversion event and a preceding engagement event, like an ad click or view.

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  • Lurl

    The lurl functions as a loss notification URL, which the exchange activates in cases where it determines that a bid has not succeeded. An exchange-specific policy may preclude support for loss notices or the disclosure of winning clearing prices.

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