Unlocking Precision in Advertising: Exploring GPS Targeting on the BidsCube DSP Platform

Jul 15, 2024

In the fast-paced world of digital advertising, reaching the right audience with the right message is essential. The BidsCube DSP platform offers advanced GPS targeting capabilities, enabling advertisers to deliver highly relevant ads based on geographic location. This article explores the benefits of GPS targeting within the BidsCube DSP platform, focusing on how advertisers can leverage this feature to enhance their marketing strategies, drive engagement, and maximize returns on investment.

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How GPS Targeting Works on BidsCube DSP

GPS targeting, or geo-targeting, allows advertisers to deliver ads to users based on their geographic location. On the BidsCube DSP platform, setting up GPS targeting is straightforward. Advertisers can activate GPS targeting during the campaign creation or editing phase through the ‘Targeting Settings’ tab.

GPS targeting menu

The platform provides an interactive map where users can specify precise locations by setting points and adjusting the targeting radius. Advertisers can also import and export GPS coordinates for multiple locations, making the setup process efficient for campaigns targeting several areas. This level of granularity ensures that ads reach users in defined locations, increasing the relevance and effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

BidsCube DSP also includes advanced features that enhance GSP targeting functionality and customization:

  • Multi-Point Targeting: Set multiple points on the map, each with its own radius, ideal for targeting several locations simultaneously.
  • Layered Targeting: Layer different targeting parameters, such as demographic and behavioral data, on top of GPS targeting for highly focused campaigns.
  • Real-Time Adjustments: Make real-time adjustments to GPS targeting settings, ensuring campaigns remain agile and responsive to changing conditions.

Benefits for Advertisers

GPS targeting offers several advantages for advertisers, making campaigns more relevant and effective. GPS targeting enhances engagement by ensuring people see ads in specific locations. For instance, a local coffee shop can attract nearby customers by promoting special offers within a certain radius. This precise targeting also boosts cost efficiency, allowing advertisers to focus their budgets on high-potential areas and avoid wasting resources on unlikely audiences.

GPS targeting is invaluable for driving foot traffic for businesses with physical locations. Timely and relevant ads can encourage store visits, restaurants, or event venues. Additionally, this feature enables highly personalized marketing campaigns. Advertisers can tailor messages to users’ specific needs and preferences in different locations, creating more engaging and effective ads.

Leveraging precise GPS data improves campaign performance by increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversions. Advertisers can measure the impact of their campaigns accurately and continuously optimize their strategies. Delivering relevant and timely ads also enhances the customer experience, as users appreciate ads that align with their current location and interests, fostering stronger relationships and encouraging repeat engagement.

Finally, GPS targeting provides a competitive edge by helping advertisers stand out with more relevant and impactful ads. This strategic advantage effectively captures the target audience’s attention, making GPS targeting a powerful tool for achieving marketing goals.


GPS targeting is a powerful tool within the BidsCube DSP platform, enabling advertisers to reach their desired audience precisely and efficiently. By leveraging geographic data, businesses can enhance the relevance of their ads, optimize their ad spend, and drive engagement and conversions. The intuitive setup process, advanced features like importing/exporting coordinates and multi-point targeting, and the white-label DSP option make BidsCube DSP a versatile and effective platform for location-based advertising.

As the digital advertising landscape evolves, the importance of targeted and personalized marketing strategies cannot be overstated. GPS targeting provides a competitive edge, enabling advertisers to connect with users in meaningful ways, wherever they are. With BidsCube white-label DSP’s robust GPS targeting capabilities and white-label solution, businesses can confidently navigate the complexities of location-based advertising and achieve their campaign goals

Connect with the BidsCube team today to learn how our platform can help you achieve your marketing goals. Our experts are here to guide you through the setup process and ensure you get the most out of our advanced targeting features.

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