BidsCube Embarks Upon Cookies Sync: An SSP’s Comprehensive Guide

Sep 12, 2024

In today’s rapidly shifting digital advertising world, pinpoint accuracy and effortless data sharing are essential for campaign success. Yet, the primordial question that remains quite relevant for the supply-side platform representatives is how do you do it? Well, enter cookie sync — a game-changing technology that boosts ad targeting precision by facilitating seamless user identifier exchanges across different ad tech platforms. What’s so special about it? This innovation ensures that user profiles remain consistent, regardless of where or how they interact online.

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Hence, today, we’re sharing exciting news! Bidscube has just rolled out the cookie sync feature, marking a significant advancement in how supply-side platforms handle data integration. Curious about how this integration could transform your advertising strategies? Dive into our comprehensive guide to discover the step-by-step process and unlock the full potential of Bidscube cookies sync. With businesses seeing a 40% decrease in the number of business connections without a proper cookie sync, you won’t want to miss out on this essential read.

Cookies Sync: Breaking the Ice

Cookies sync is a process that facilitates the sharing and synchronization of user identifiers between multiple advertising technology platforms. By syncing cookies, ad tech platforms can recognize users across different platforms, enhancing ad targeting accuracy and effectiveness. Such a feature helps in creating a cohesive user profile, which is essential for delivering relevant ads and improving overall campaign performance.

With Bidscube’s recent integration of Cookie Sync, SSPs can now implement this feature to enhance their ad operations, thus reaching faster and simply better results in targeting. For example, the number of platforms that you’ll be able to track your target Internet users’ 3rd-party cookies from will literally double – from an average of 3.5 domains to 6.75, as per Research Gate. Yet, before we glide right into the benefits and other semantic things related to cookie sync, let’s first deal with the technicalities.

Understanding Cookie Sync at BidsCube

Cookie synchronization might sound technical, but it’s essentially a straightforward process that significantly enhances the effectiveness of digital advertising for Supply Side Platforms (SSPs). At Bidscube, we provide seamless integration methods to ensure our partners can benefit from this feature without getting bogged down by the details.

In simple terms, cookie synchronization involves linking up data across different platforms to improve ad targeting. This means that when ads are being served, they’re more likely to reach the right audience, making advertising efforts more efficient and effective.

At Bidscube, we offer several methods for integrating this feature, each tailored to suit different needs. Whether the synchronization is initiated by the SSP or by Bidscube, the end goal is the same: to streamline the data-sharing process, thereby enhancing the relevance and precision of ads shown to users.

This integration simplifies the technical aspects of ad serving and opens up a range of benefits. With better targeting, SSPs can expect improved ad performance, leading to higher satisfaction among advertisers and a better overall user experience.

In essence, cookie synchronization is like a behind-the-scenes assistant that helps ensure that the right ads reach the right people at the right time, making advertising less of an interruption and more of a relevant suggestion.

Benefits of Implementing Cookie Sync

Integrating cookie sync on Bidscube offers several advantages, and even though we’ve already mentioned improved ad targeting, let’s start with once again mentioning it, this time going a bit deeper into the details.

  1. Improved Ad Targeting

By synchronizing cookies, ad tech platforms can more accurately track and recognize users across different environments. This leads to more precise targeting and personalized advertising experiences. So, how exactly does the cookie sync by Bidscube do it?

Cookie sync improves ad targeting by allowing different advertising networks to share and match user data across multiple platforms. This synchronization ensures that advertisers have a unified view of user behavior, leading to more precise targeting and personalized ad experiences. By aligning data from various sources, cookie sync helps create more accurate audience profiles, increasing the relevance of ads shown and ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

  1. Enhanced Data Accuracy
    Cookie sync ensures that user identifiers are consistently matched across various platforms, minimizing data discrepancies. This consistency enhances the overall accuracy of user data, providing a more reliable foundation for targeting and personalization, which can lead to more effective and relevant advertising strategies.
  2. Increased Ad Efficiency
    By improving targeting precision and data accuracy, cookie sync enables advertisers to optimize their campaigns more effectively. This refined approach allows for a more strategic allocation of ad budgets, resulting in better performance metrics, higher engagement rates, and an improved return on investment (ROI) for ad spending.
  3. Seamless User Experience
    Cookie Sync contributes to a more seamless user experience by delivering ads that are more relevant to individual preferences. It maintains continuity across different ad tech platforms, ensuring that users encounter consistent and engaging interactions, which helps in reducing ad fatigue and enhancing overall satisfaction with the advertising content.

Security and Privacy Considerations

Despite the many benefits you can get from the cookie sync feature with Bidscube, you have to remember that cookies are all about data and when it comes to data, security is a must. Ensuring data privacy and compliance with regulations is paramount in cookie sync operations. Here are the key considerations for SSPs:

  1. Data Privacy Compliance

SSPs must handle all user data in accordance with relevant data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). This includes implementing robust security measures to protect user information.

  1. User Consent

SSPs must ensure that users have given explicit consent for tracking and data sharing. This is crucial for compliance with privacy laws and for maintaining user trust.

Support and Troubleshooting

If you encounter any issues or require further assistance during the integration process, the Bidscube support team is available to help. We can provide guidance and resolve any technical problems to ensure a smooth implementation of cookie sync.


Bidscube’s integration of the cookie sync feature represents a significant advancement in digital advertising technology. By offering two flexible integration options, Bidscube enables SSPs to implement Cookie Sync in a way that best fits their operational needs. The benefits of improved ad targeting, enhanced data accuracy, and increased efficiency make cookie sync a valuable feature for optimizing digital advertising efforts.

SSPs should carefully follow the integration steps outlined above, prioritize data privacy and user consent, and leverage Bidscube’s support resources as needed. With successful implementation, which Bidscube experts guarantee, SSPs can enhance their ad operations and provide a more effective and personalized advertising experience for users.

Would you like to learn more about cookie sync and how it can empower your business specifically? Your free-of-charge consultation with our expert awaits.

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