Traffic Bridge

Optimizing ad ops to achieve the next-step programmatic efficiency

Within a secure protocol, Traffic Bridge receives data from all demand and supply connected to the BidsCube ecosystem, instantly notifying the other side about all changes without any human assistance, minimizing the impact of errors and inaccuracies and enhancing efficiency.

It brings us closer to the very essence of what programmatic advertising should be like – automated!

How does it work in detail?

Supply-Side Point of View

Traffic Bridge takes data from all demand and supply connected to the BidsCube ecosystem via a secure protocol, instantly notifying the other side of any changes without the need for human support, reducing the impact of errors and human-caused inaccuracies while increasing efficiency.  This minimizes errors and inaccuracies while improving efficiency, aligning with the core concept of programmatic advertising: automation.

Demand-Side Point of View

On the other hand, the demand-side scanning agent receives the same information about advertisers' campaigns added to DSP, including geo, targeting, time framing, traffic types and formats, creatives, and budget options. In case of any changes, the automated algorithm comes to life without human intervention to ensure trading efficiency.

Traffic Bridge benefits

  • Minimizing the impact of human-caused errors and inaccuracies
  • Enhancing the efficiency of the entire advertising process
  • Increased revenue of all parties by eliminating traffic loss
  • Opening up a fresh avenue for ad tech industry standartization and optimization
  • Making programmatic advertising more automated, which means simpler
Boost your programmatic strategy efficiency by adopting a new standard of ad ops optimization

Proven results provided by internal research made us proud of the new technology developed. During the testing period, we saved millions of impressions from being lost. And guess what? That means the same for you, either.

  • 4-5 times

    Faster approach if compared to human-to-human communication
  • 80.74%

    Less amount of inefficient traffic caused by delays and errors
  • Up to 60%

    Increasement in overall efficiency of programmatic advertising
Massive increase in decision-making speed

In previous days, when advertisers or publishers changed the requirements, the lengthy process of human-to-human communications started, affecting overall efficiency. With Traffic Bridge, you're now empowered with automated software, reducing human-cased delays to a minimum.

Innovative approach to ad ops optimization

In previous days, when advertisers or publishers changed the requirements, the lengthy process of human-to-human communications started, affecting overall efficiency. With Traffic Bridge, you're now empowered with automated software, reducing human-cased delays to a minimum.

The best of truly automated programmatic

Let programmatic ads do their job, which should have meant automating ad operations in their development. Traffic Bridge is pushing the boundaries of innovations in the AdTech industry and benefiting every party that adopts such a standard.

Connect to the BidsCube ecosystem to unveil the best of AdTech innovations